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  培养交际能力是大学英语教学的首要目标,但是目前高校学生的口语交际能力不尽人意。我整理了大学日常英语对话范文,欢迎阅读!   大学日常英语对话范文一   大嘴: Is there anything good on television?   有好看的电视节目吗?   脸盆: The 37th Miss Hong Kong competition is on show.   第37届香港小姐比赛正在进行。   大嘴: Miss Hong Kong is always the focus of the world.   香港小姐一直是人们关注的焦点。   脸盆: Yeah, with a history of more than 70 years.   是啊,有七十多年的历史了。   大嘴: What about the champions?   这届的冠军怎样呢?   脸盆: Ha,who knows! They were doomed to be disputed severely.   哈,谁知道呢?她们注定要饱受争议了。   大学日常英语对话范文二   大嘴: Hi,I saw your performance, so excellent.   嗨,我昨天看你的演出了,很精彩。   脸盆: Thank you for your appraisal, I will try my best.   谢谢你的赞赏。我还要更加努力。   大嘴: How long have you been playing guitar? You"re a very good player!   学了几年吉他?弹的很棒!   脸盆: About seven or eight years, I am so interested in it.   嗯,大概七、八年了,我很喜欢吉他。   大嘴: Do you know Air Guitar Playing?   听说过空气吉他吗?   脸盆: Of course, itu2019s a particular form of acting that to imitate the solo part of the rock music or heavy metal music.   当然。那是一种以模仿摇滚乐或重金属音乐的电吉他独奏部分进行的特殊表演方式。   大嘴: The players usually perform in a way of exaggerative actions matched with strong beat made by electric guitar.   弹奏者往往会以节拍强烈的电吉他音乐配合夸张的弹奏动作进行表演。   脸盆: In the 70s of 20th century, Air Guitar Playing had become pop all over the world.   上世纪70年代,空气吉他表演开始在全世界流行。   大嘴: It combines interest、entertainment and participation in one.   空气吉他大赛集趣味性、娱乐性、参与性于一身。   脸盆: If the players can imitate it to the life with their imaginations, they will get champions.   选手们只凭着自己的想象力,只要能够模仿得惟妙惟肖,就有赢得冠军的机会。   大学日常英语对话范文三   大嘴: Are there any news about SunLi?   演员孙俪最近有什么动向?   脸盆: Ha, it seems that you are concerning for her.   呵呵,你好像很关注她呢。   大嘴: I am her honest fan.   我是她的粉丝啊。   脸盆: Her new movie “Mechanical Man” is on show.   她的新电影《机器侠》上映了。   大嘴: Oh, I will watch it.   哦,一定要去看。   脸盆: She performed as a policewoman again。   这次她又扮演了一个警察。